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The book

Do you know the world of Chubby and Sticky? Read these stories and eneter in a very imaginary world, populated by princess carrots, kings cheeses, swimmer asparagus, funny tomatoes and many others: the magic pot and his friend spoon let your children discover that not everythin which arrives in table is ugly and bad… On the contrary, palying with clams, watching pizzas and running with peaches, plums and cabbages is really amazing! You may discover that some dreams are better than others and a good pasta may be a very good… friend!

Data sheet

Product dimensions: 13 x 20 cm
Pages: 232 pages
Cover price: 14,50 €
Date: 2017
Language: Italiano
ISBN: 978-88-99528-29-4



Born in Lecco, Lodovica Cima lives in Milan, writes books for children and works as consultant for many publishing houses. She is a contributor for many magazines and teaches at Master per l’Editoria dell’Università Statale of Milan; she holds continuing education courses on reading and live reading. She is the author of the series Chubby & Sticky for Trenta Editore.

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Chubby & Sticky. Indovina i miei gusti (vol. 5)

Chubby & Sticky. Ingredienti da salvare (vol. 2)