Everybody knows that eggs are the queens of table! Lo sappiamo, le uova regnano sovrane sulla tavola! But always more frequently many persons can’t eat eggs… How can they do? Veronica Madonna, speedy mummy and expert chef, thought to them! In this book they can find recipes for all seasons, with different menu of dishes prepared without eggs. Pan di Spagna, whipped cream, cakes, soft bsandwiches and a very typical Italian dish as Spaghetti alla carbonara! Eggs escaping, but… a lot of taste and right doses to keep mixture soft and yellow as the coloured recipes made with eggs. From simple recipes to the most complicate to preserve hunger and the pleasure to have dinner. Amazon Bestsellers Rank ★★★★✩
Born in Benevento in 1975, Veronica Madonna inherits her passion for cuisine from her grandmother. Expert in soft cakes and sanwiches, she works as a pizza chef writing, in the same time, for her blog www.peccatididolcezze.it and for some magazines on food. Uova in fuga. Ricette per intolleranti (e non solo) is her first book.