After the success of Soffice soffice about sweet cakes, it was time for a new recipe book on bread, pizza and flat bread: Soffice salato. Bauletti, bocconcini e focacce! Morena Roana stimulates your appetite with cereals sandwiches, filled focaccia, every kind of small pizzas, soia rolls with olives and cheese… It’ll be enough follow her advices to give a different aspect to your everyday meals. A series of recipes for everybody, with exact durations, mixture procedures and practise tips. Amazon Bestsellers Rank ★★★★✩
She was born in Schio (Vicenza) in 1967. She has been working until 2006 in non food areas unitl 2006, even if she loved cuisine very much. In 2003 she started to attend bakery courses and her passion grow up becoming a real job. In 2008 she opened her blog, where she succeeded in matching her two loves, food and photography. She is a very famous foodblogger thanks to her good relationship with readers and today she also prepares recipes and projects for many companies.