How can you be hungry of memories? Moving between tales and events, an unusual taster tells stories on incredible flavors, from the bitterest ones on war till the sweetest ones on love. All the stories are real and have the same central idea, food, recalled through a far from daily life, amazing, based on good things, the ones you can never loose. Special persons’ memories become episodes of engaging saga, a prosperity to be pass on, no to let them disappear as "uno sbuffo di farina su una spianatoia”.
Maddalena Baldini was born in Pontremoli (MS), Lunigiana, but lives and works in Milan. From her original course of Studies on Art, she decided to enter the food area. As journalist she writes for many magazines and newspaper on food&beverage; she also works as communication manager and events manager. Per Trenta Editore she wrote the book Assaggi di grappa. Per conoscerla, sceglierla e abbinarla.