Crazy Gin

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The book

Crazy Gin was written by the author in order to tell the history of Gin and tonic water from the beginning to our days in a very direct and simple way. A pathway that, like many of us, has started by experimenting with the ingredients that we had at hand, and that grew into what we now call “mixology”. The book is divided into four parts that showcase the history of this fascinating distillate, its production methods, and the cocktails. The last chapters offers 30 recipes to try at home to surprise your guests during an aperitif or a special dinner, with doses, ingredients and suggestions in order to reach the perfect drink.

Data sheet

Product dimensions: 15×21 cm
Pages: 128 pages
Cover price: 16,00 €
Date: 2021
Language: Italian
ISBN: 978-88-99528-843

Federico Illesi

He graduated in biomedical studies and he’s now manager of a company that offers different web services. He’s always been passionate about mixology and the art of “good drinking”, so much so that he obtained the certificate from the Italian Barmen Association. After years of studying and experimenting, he decided to dedicate body and soul to one of the most loved cocktails out there: Gin & Tonic. Crazy Gin is his first book with Trenta Editore.


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